Summer Research

Research experiences during the academic year as well as the summer equip physics, engineering, and astronomy students to innovate, contribute, and continue to learn when they embark on professional careers.

Students in the Physics, Engineering, and Astronomy program at Beloit College are strongly encouraged to participate in research projects while at at Beloit College, whether in during the academic year, the summer, or both. 

With Beloit Faculty

Faculty-Sponsored Research can take place during the academic year or summer. This research allows students to apply knowledge from theoretical classes and laboratory experiences to real world problems that neither have known solutions, nor are necessarily solvable.

With faculty-sponsored research, students spend a considerable amount of time on their own investigating their research problem.  This helps prepare them to conduct and eventually supervise research post-Beloit.

With National Laboratories and Research Universities

Research at national laboratories and at and research universities is highly encouraged for students intended to pursue careers in physics, astronomy, and engineering. These research experiences provide students with invaluable opportunities to test and develop their research skills in specialized laboratories under the supervision of scientists or advanced graduate students.

Summer Science Research

Each summer, there are opportunities for Beloit College students to work with science faculty on their research or through the Pakula Biomedical Fellowship Program. These opportunities are either 4 weeks or 8 weeks in length. Students receive college credit and a stipend for their work. All participating students live on campus.

The Summer 2024 research opportunities are listed below. All of these projects are part of the Pakula Biomedical Fellowship Program. Please note the length of the projects: 4 weeks (June 3 - June 28, 2024) and 8 weeks (June 3 - July 26, 2024). Students will work with a faculty mentor to develop a research question and participate in the weekly 2-hr professional development seminar (0.5-1 unit of special project). Fellows will receive a stipend of $2750 (4 weeks) or $5500 (8 weeks), to help offset the costs of summer tuition, and room and board. To review the available projects, click on the topics below. For more details, contact the principal investigator for each project directly. For general questions about the Pakula Biomedical Fellowship program, contact Dr. Tawnya Cary (

Students interested in working in other STEM disciplines should check the respective discipline website or contact individual faculty members.


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