Physics and Astronomy Club Visits Fermilab
The student-led Physics & Astronomy Club planned a field trip to Fermilab, a Department of Energy national laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, and learned about accelerator science, neutrinos, and a day in the life of a Fermilab physicist.
The students of the Physics and Astronomy Club planned a trip to Fermilab National Laboratory, and invited the physics faculty to come along, including visiting professor Michael Fortner, who was on the team that discovered the top quark at Fermilab and could give them the inside scoop on the Tevatron particle accelerator.
They also learned about current research at Fermilab, including the world’s strongest neutrino beam and the DUNE experiment, which will send pulses of neutrinos through the Earth itself to a detector in South Dakota in order to study neutrino oscillations, and possibly discover new types of fundamental particles.
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